

A graph method that computes the singular values and left and right singular vectors of the adjacency matrix representing a directed graph.


  • SngVecs: int

    The number of singular values/vectors to compute

Return value:

  • SngValV: TFltV

    Computed singular values stored as a vector of floats

  • LeftSV: TFltVFltV

    Computed left singular vectors stored as a vector of vectors of floats

  • RightSV: TFltVTFltV

    Computed right singular vectors stored as a vector of vectors of floats

The following example shows how to fetch the in-degrees for nodes in TNGraph:

import snap

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNGraph, 100, 1000)
SngVecs = 5
SngValV, LeftSV, RightSV = Graph.GetSngVecs(SngVecs)
for value in SngValV:
    print("Singular value: %f" % value)
for vector in LeftSV:
    for value in vector:
        print("Left Singular Vector Value %f" % value)
for vector in RightSV:
    for value in vector:
        print("Right Singular Vector Value %f" % value)