GetBfsEffDiam (SWIG)ΒΆ

GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, NTestNodes, SubGraphNIdV, IsDir)

Uses the entire graph (all edges) to measure the shortest path lengths but reports only the path lengths between nodes in SubGraphNIdV.


  • Graph: graph (input)

    A graph or a network.

  • NTestNodes: int (input)

    Number of starting nodes for calculating path lengths.

  • SubGraphNIdV: TIntV - vector of ints (input)

    List of nodes in the subgraph for which the path lengths will be reported.

  • IsDir: bool (input)

    Indicates whether the edges should be considered directed or undirected.

Return value:

  • list: [float, float, int]

    The list contains three elements: the first and the second element are the 90th-percentile approximation for the average shortest path length among the nodes in SubGraphNIdV, the third element is the diameter.


  • There are three other versions of GetBfsEffDiam with different parameters.

The following example shows how to calculate the average shortest path length for nodes in TNGraph, TUNGraph, and TNEANet:

import snap

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000)
Num = 50
List = snap.TIntV.GetV(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36)
Result = snap.GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, Num, List, True)

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000)
Num = 75
List = snap.TIntV.GetV(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36)
Result = snap.GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, Num, List, False)

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNEANet, 100, 1000)
Num = 33
List = snap.TIntV.GetV(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36)
Result = snap.GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, Num, List, True)