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Human protein-protein association network

Dataset information

This is a protein-protein association network that includes direct (physical) protein-protein interactions, as well as indirect (functional) associations between human proteins. Nodes represent proteins and edges represent associations between them.

Dataset statistics
Nodes 19081
Edges 715612
Nodes in largest SCC 19065
Fraction of nodes in largest SCC 1.000000
Edges in largest SCC 715602
Fraction of edges in largest SCC 0.999986
Average clustering coefficient 0.233544
Number of triangles 157277164
Fraction of closed triangles 0.082030
Diameter (longest shortest path) 8
90-percentile effective diameter 3.199186

The information is based on direct physical binding of proteins and many other, indirect ways of cooperation and mutual regulation between proteins. For example, proteins can influence each other's production and half-life, exchange reaction products, participate in signal relay mechanisms, or jointly contribute toward specific biological functions. Together, these direct and indirect interactions constitute 'functional associations', a useful operational umbrella-term for specific and functionally productive protein-protein interactions of any type.



File Size Description
PP-Decagon_ppi.csv.gz 8.5MB Protein-protein association network (edgelist)